Jun 2, 2011

Journal Entries dated 2-10-11 and 5-10-11

I'm meeting a chaplain's wife on Saturday.

I had lots of questions written out for this lady. She probably thought I was a freak! If you're a chaplain's wife, did you have women contacting you via a blog or email to ask questions of you? What did you think about that? I can't express enough how little information there is out there on this kind of thing. You ladies who give up your time to answer our questions are SO appreciated!

I suppose these entries all sound the same. He decided to do it...he decided not to...on and on and on. Now we're on the "not." 

I think he wants the Army to call him and ask him to join! :)

He's read Chazown, Weird, and Sun Stand Still in the past few months. With each one, I swear at one point he mumbles something about joining the Army. Whenever he's around soldiers he wants to join!

He told me yesterday that the urge to join was gone. I pressed him, and reminded him of the books he's read. Then he sheepishly admitted that the desire was indeed still there.

Lord, where will you have us? We'll go anywhere and do anything!

I haven't heard back from the chaplain's wife I met with. She's the wife of a chaplain at Fort Riley. I bombarded her with questions and asked to hear her story. I had a great time. She said she'd contact me when her husband got back home so we could all get together. Still nothing and she expected him home in March.

All my homeschool books are bought and we're ready to roll!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

My husband was the first to search for blogs, then I did my share. Like you I found many that were well into their service and no reserves. I sometimes feel "left out" because we are reserves and not active duty. At this point we really don't fit in any where.