Steven has still been calling frequently. I didn't talk with him on Monday or Tuesday night though. When he called, he gave me a few tasks:
1. Call Ft. Riley's Travel Office to check the status of our No-Fee Passports.
2. Call Forbes and ask about getting our I.D.s done there (Addie and me)
3. Get the Overseas Screening Info Taken Care of
I did call Ft. Riley-- not in yet. I called Forbes and they need Steven to fill out an 1172 Form. I believe it's a form that has something to do with us being in the DEERs system. DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System). Taken from the DEERs website:
"DEERS is a worldwide, computerized database of uniformed services members (sponsors), their family members, and others who are eligible for military benefits, including TRICARE. All sponsors are automatically registered in DEERS. However, the sponsor must register eligible family members. Family members can update personal information such as addresses and phone numbers once they are registered in DEERS."
I spoke with all the dentist and doctors and am waiting to hear back from them. We have to be current with our dental exams and have the doctor look over our records. I believe this is all to make sure we aren't going to have a health/dental emergency in the next 12 months. Even my 2 year old has to have a dentist look at him. Good luck with that!
Mix all of this in with being an only, stay-at-home-mom of 4 kids and I'm feeling a little busy right now! Actually, 2 of my kids are at Grandma's, so I'm getting a little reprieve. I am just really missing my husband being AROUND. It's not that I am feeling overwhelmed by doing all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, bedtimes, baths, etc. I did that anyway. I'm just feeling lonely. And this loneliness is from not having my best friend within reach.
I asked Steven how I could pray for him and he said spiritually, they just don't have time for much Bible study. He does go to chapel on Sundays and last I knew, he and his roommate were reading and discussing what they read. He said he's lucky if he gets one chapter in per day. When they aren't busy with PT/admin/classes, they are ironing their uniforms or doing laundry, etc.
He also said he's pretty tired. I suppose that's to be expected. He mentioned that they all go to bed late (11pm) and get up around 4am for PT. So please pray that the Lord would sustain him through this. I have full confidence that He will!
I made arrangements to go to his ODS graduation in February since he can't come home inbetween ODS and Chaplaincy school. So I'll be flying out at the end of January for a few myself. And renting a myself. I will get used to this kind of thing I bet!
On a positive note-- I haven't put Steven in the poor house like he thought I might! I'm doing fine and not spending all his money. :)
The Women of Christmas: Elizabeth, Part 1
1 week ago
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